Read more about the article The Hidden Power of a Chihuahua’s Bite Force

The Hidden Power of a Chihuahua’s Bite Force

Quantifying a Chihuahua's bite force can be surprisingly complex. It's a popular belief that a Chihuauha's bite force can go up to 3,900 PSI (pounds per square inch). However, this…

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Read more about the article Why Do Chihuahuas Lick So Much?

Why Do Chihuahuas Lick So Much?

Curious, affectionate, and often endearingly quirky, Chihuahuas have a way of capturing our hearts with their unique behaviors. Among these behaviors, their licking stands out as a common and sometimes…

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Read more about the article Chihuahua Begging and Crying as Owner Leaves

Chihuahua Begging and Crying as Owner Leaves

In the quiet town of Littleton, Colorado, a heartwarming daily ritual unfolds between a Chihuahua and his doting owner. The Chihuahua begging and crying behavior captured in the footage highlights…

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