Tips > 5 Reasons Why Chihuahuas May Bark at Night for No Reason


5 Reasons Why Chihuahuas May Bark at Night for No Reason


It may seem like your Chihuahua is barking for no reason, but chances are, there is something that is bothering him or something that has caught his attention. Here are some things that may get your Chihuahua to bark at night, and things you can do to reduce his need to bark.

1. The Chihuahua Feels Lonely

As pack animals, Chihuahuas require a certain amount of companionship. Some Chihuahuas may suffer from separation anxiety more than others. Chihuahuas, especially puppies, with a high level of separation anxiety may bark excessively as soon as they are alone. Barking is a way for them to get someone’s attention.

One way to resolve this is by letting your Chihuahua sleep in your bedroom. However, you should only do this if you are comfortable with your Chihuahua sleeping in the bedroom for the long-term. While it’s not easy to treat, separation anxiety is something you should also take a closer look at.

2. The Chihuahua has Nighttime Anxiety

Chihuahuas aren’t nocturnal animals so they can fear the dark just as much as anyone else. The slightest of sound or a hint of unfamiliar smell may get your Chihuahua barking like crazy. They may bark either to warn us or to scare away the unknown.

Unfortunately, it’s not easy for us to identify what caused the Chihuahua’s fearful reaction, especially when a Chihuahua’s sense of smell and hearing is so much stronger than ours. If you live in a house with a yard then it may help to set up outdoor cameras to see if there’s any wildlife that’s causing your Chihuahua to get all worked up.

3. The Chihuahua is Bored and Restless

Does your Chihuahua spend the day snoozing away while you are at work? There’s always the chance that they are barking at night because they are restless and looking for something fun to do.

If you aren’t already doing so, getting your Chihuahua some exercise in after work could be a good way to reduce their barking at night. Getting some light exercise, such as a long walk, in may also promote better-quality sleep for you so it’s a win-win situation.

4. The Chihuahua has a Medical Condition

Certain health conditions may cause your Chihuahua to bark at night. For example, senior Chihuahuas can suffer from dementia, which may cause them to bark randomly at night because they are confused or they feel lost. Your Chihuahua may also be feeling some form of pain or discomfort.

If the nighttime barking has come out from nowhere then a visit to the vet may be worthwhile in case your Chihuahua is feeling some sort of pain. Certain types of pain can feel worse at night.

5. The Chihuahua Needs to Pee

Your Chihuahua may have had a sudden urge to pee and wants you to let him outside so he can do his business. This may happen for Chihuahuas that are trained to pee outside. Puppies, in particular, have weaker bladder control so this may be a more common occurrence for younger Chihuahuas.

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