In September, 10-year-old Chihuahua, Tiny, disappeared from her backyard in Bartow, Florida. Her owner, the Burgess, believed that the dog was stolen due to the unusual circumstances surrounding her disappearance. Tiny had never left the backyard before.
And there were no signs of her being taken by an animal. As time passed, Burgess became increasingly worried about Tiny. She began posting pictures of her all over social media. However, there was still no sign of the stolen dog.

Then, she got a call that the pup made a 70-mile journey away from home. Burgess was in disbelief but thrilled to hear the news. Tiny was microchipped, which allowed Animal Control to locate Burgess as the owner. And make arrangements for her safe return.
The Mystery of Tiny’s Journey
Tiny’s incredible journey remains a mystery, but it’s likely that someone took her from Burgess’ backyard and abandoned her in Clearwater Beach.
Tiny’s safe return emphasizes the importance of microchipping pets, which is the only way to ensure that they are returned to their rightful owners if they go missing.
In addition, Tiny’s story highlights the vital role that animal control services play in reuniting lost pets with their owners.
Chihuahua Goes Missing, Found 70 Miles Away
It’s still unclear how Tiny managed to travel 70 miles from her home to Clearwater Beach. But, regardless of the mystery, Burgess is just happy to have her beloved pet back, safe and sound. Tiny is now microchipped and the Burgess family will continue to love and care for their little Chihuahua.
Pet theft is a reality that every pet owner must acknowledge, which is why it is vital to take necessary measures to ensure their pets’ safety. Microchipping is a safe and efficient way to safeguard pets and guarantee that they are returned to their owners if they ever go missing.
Moreover, pet owners must remain cautious and take preventive measures to avoid pet theft. Such as keeping their pets in secure locations or on a leash, and never leaving them unattended in public places.
The Key to Reuniting Lost Pets with Their Owners
In conclusion, Tiny’s journey from her home in Bartow to Clearwater Beach remains a mystery. But, thanks to her microchip, she was reunited with her owner, Burgess, and is now back home, safe and sound.
Tiny’s story highlights the importance of microchipping pets and the critical role that animal control services play in reuniting lost pets with their owners. It also reminds pet owners to take precautions to prevent pet theft and to keep their pets safe.
Source: wfla