Read more about the article Jealous Chihuahua Snaps at Owner Adorably

Jealous Chihuahua Snaps at Owner Adorably

This is when a jealous dog barks madly at its owner when she tries to kiss her boyfriend. A 48-second clip shows Steffi Ledbetter, 26, getting the 'side-eye' from her…

Read more about the article Why Is My Chihuahua So Attached To Me?

Why Is My Chihuahua So Attached To Me?

Chihuahuas are famous for being attached to their people. As this is a universal trait across various breeds of dogs, it is part of the petite package that is the…

Read more about the article This Woman’s Carboard Cutouts for her Chihuahua

This Woman’s Carboard Cutouts for her Chihuahua

Meet the Chihuahua, the "cooperative" cardboard cutouts dog the world needs and deserves. Semba lives in Saitama Prefecture in Japan with her dog named Chihuahua-mametaro. They are like most puppy/parent…

Read more about the article Why Do Chihuahuas Have Big Ears?

Why Do Chihuahuas Have Big Ears?

If you’re parenting a Chihuahua, you already know they have a big personality. But their bodies don’t reflect that, so they’re a popular choice among dog owners. Plus, their friendliness…

Read more about the article At What Age Do Chihuahuas Calm Down?

At What Age Do Chihuahuas Calm Down?

Although Chihuahuas are not a high-energy breed overall, Chi puppies have that notorious puppy energy that all species have at first. If you fear that you got the energizer bunny…