The tiny pooch, named after the mass murdering Colombian drug lord, is said to have chased a pregnant ewe in a farmer’s field. And, that wasn’t it for the Pablo Escobar Chihuahua. Here’s everything that this pup was “charged with”.

Owner Liliana Aucott came home to find a cop waiting for her with a dog control order. Then, she had to sign it and promise to ensure the 15in-tall mutt behaves.
Weirdly enough, mum-of-three Liliana, originally from Colombia, said: “I’m convinced it’s a lie. He’s so short he can’t even see the sheep in the field through our garden hedge. And, Pablo’s scared of everything. He shakes like a leaf. He’s just a loveable furball.”
Moreover, the Spanish teacher, 57, of Camborne, Cornwall, added: “Pablo is no danger to sheep. If anything they’d hurt him because they’re so much bigger.”
However, police said a farmer reported Pablo for chasing and worrying his sheep.
Finally, a spokesman said: “The order was signed and agreed the dog should be suitably under control.”

Source: thesun