Read more about the article The Chug Dog Profile: Chihuahua Pug Mix

The Chug Dog Profile: Chihuahua Pug Mix

If you’re a fan of tiny dogs (and let’s be honest, who isn’t?), pugs and Chihuahuas are both real winners of the toy breed. They’re both so charming that it…

Read more about the article Reasons Why Chihuahuas Run Away

Reasons Why Chihuahuas Run Away

We all know that it's scary when your Chihuahua runs away. But most of us don't understand why Chihuahuas do so. In this article, we will talk about the top…

Read more about the article Woman Reunited with Chi She Thought Died

Woman Reunited with Chi She Thought Died

After two years of thinking her Chihuahua was dead, this owner was reunited with her sweet pup. Here's a heartwarming story of a woman reunited with Chi. Maile Trist adopted…

Read more about the article Is Breed that Important in Dog Behaviour?

Is Breed that Important in Dog Behaviour?

Every breed has its thing specific behaviour the discerning dog owner looks for in their canine companion. If you want a hunting dog, get a Labrador. A family dog, get…