Chewing is an entirely normal part of most dogs’ routines. Young puppies will turn to chew to soothe the pain from teeth growing in. While older dogs have the instinct to chew to keep their jaws and teeth strong. Some dogs may also chew items they shouldn’t get out of boredom, an investigative urge to check out their environment. Or even a response to their anxiety. When it comes to destructive chewing, it’s essential first to find the cause of your dog’s behavior. And then redirect them accordingly, even if that means finding a more durable toy!

Destructive Chewing
Many, if not all, of us, had that moment when we came home from work. Or reach out to our home office after a few hours to find that our dog has gone wild. I got home from a long day out to find our pup had chewed through a pair of new shoes. And pulled several books off our bookshelf, ripping the pages out of each. Although our gut reaction may be to yell at or punish our pups for being so destructive. This will be an ineffective way to train your dog. Unless you catch your dog in the act, punishing or scolding him after the fact will confuse him further. He cannot connect your punishment with his actions from hours or even minutes ago. Therefore, it is essential to focus on determining to root cause of the destructive chewing and stop it at the source.

For young pups, especially those under six months, there is a high chance that they are feeling some pain from their incoming teeth. When puppies lose their baby teeth, much like human infants. They experience pain and discomfort as their adult teeth come in. When we see our young puppies being destructive with their chewing, our instinct may be to give them a more durable toy. However, puppy teeth are fragile and hollow making it easy for puppies. To cause damage or even break a tooth on a toy meant for an adult dog. To help soothe your puppy’s teething pain, try teething toys marked with your pup’s age. Or even try freezing a wet washcloth to help numb the pain. This is the perfect opportunity to practice redirecting your puppy’s chewing behavior to their toys. And showing them that a suitable toy will help soothe their pain.
Missing Physical and Mental Stimulation
Some pups, especially those left inside during the workday, may get bored without enough stimulation. Chewing is one of the easiest ways for a dog to keep themselves entertained, which can often lead to chewing new objects around the house that are typically off-limits. An easy way to test if your pup is being destroyed due to boredom is to provide plenty of stimulation before leaving them for extended periods. This can include a long walk. Time at an off-leash dog park where he can socialize, or even puzzle food bowls that help exercise your dog’s brain. When it is time to leave your pup, be sure he has plenty of durable toys. And try confining him to a smaller room in the house where you can remove all important and potentially dangerous items from his path.

Stress and Separation Anxiety
Stress can linger with a dog for a few days after a stressful event. Even if the pup doesn’t remember exactly what happened, making him feel stressed. If you unexpectedly find your dog has been destructive, think back to any event in the past day or two that may have put your dog under stress. It could be a bad interaction at a dog park, being created near another animal. He doesn’t get along with them while at the groomers or daycare or even on a long car ride that didn’t sit well with him. If any situation comes to mind. Do your best to avoid those stressors, especially before your pup is alone for an extended period. Try to supervise closely whenever you know your dog might be stressed.
Separation anxiety is a more specific situation that can put your dog under stress and is one of the more common reasons behind destructive chewing. We struggled with separation anxiety with our pandemic pup and spent quite a long time slowly extending the time we left him home alone from just 20 minutes while we ran a quick errand to a few hours while away at work.

Dogs who chew destructively due to separation anxiety will only chew or chew most intensely when left alone. They will also show other signs of this anxiety through howling, whining, urination, defecation, digging, and even trying to escape. For milder cases of separation anxiety, you can try counterconditioning to try and rewire your pup’s associations with your leaving. By offering something good, like a delicious treat, only when your dog is left alone, will he associate being left alone with good things; over time, fear and stress may diminish.
Heavy Chewer Breeds

Ultimately, some dogs are just heavy chewers and are always looking for something to gnaw on. This can often depend a lot on the breed. Great Danes, chihuahuas, beagles, and labradors are some of the most aggressive chewer breeds. For these pups, the best thing you can do is provide durable, stimulating chew toys to help them get their energy out and satisfy their need to chew. Toys that include rubber and rope, or even sure balls, are long-lasting, while tougher plushies can still help with teething pains that need a softer touch.