This means dogs tend to be attracted to sweets, just like us. In addition to enjoying the taste of sweet foods, dogs can also suffer from sugar addiction, just like us. But how do Chihuahuas and sugar work together?
When sugar is consumed, the brain’s nucleus accumbens and releases dopamine, making us feel good. When sugar is consumed often and in increasing amounts, less dopamine is removed, and to get that good feeling, more sugar needs to be finished.
In other words, sugar is addicting.

We share more than just sugar addiction with our dogs, though. Unfortunately, dogs can also suffer the same harmful effects of sugar consumption: diabetes, obesity, dental problems, and more.
This discussion concerns sugars or sweeteners added to your dog’s foods or treats. It’s not about the sugars naturally found in carbohydrates that might be in your dog’s daily diet. When you share an apple slice with your dog, for example, that contains fructose. Those naturally occurring sugars can be the basis of another discussion.
Right now, let’s talk about added sugars.

Dog Foods Often Contain Sugar
It might surprise you to know that many dog foods contain sugar. Sugar in the food can mask the bitter taste of some other ingredients, make the food more palatable, and changes the texture of the food.
Most importantly to many dog food manufacturers, however, is that adding sugar to the food creates an addiction to a particular brand of food. If your dog wants to eat one brand of food (and only that brand), then you’ll buy it over and over again.
Plus, when dogs become addicted to dog foods containing sugar, it can be difficult to convince the dog to eat healthier food or food without the added sugar.
Sugar is Added to Many Dog Treats
Over the last several years, more and more dog treats have been found to have sugar in one form or another included in the recipe. Because sugar makes the treat more palatable, just as it does in dog foods, the dog will be more eager to eat it.
When the dog appears to enjoy the treat and gobbles it down, owners are more likely to give the dog a second treat. Sugar in the treats will also mask tastes your dog might otherwise avoid.
Many treats are made with less than stellar ingredients, including animal by-products, fillers, chemicals, and other additives, so the sugar will increase the possibility your dog will eat it.

Identifying Sugars in the Ingredient List
When reading the ingredient list on dog food and treats, sugar is listed in various ways. The word ‘sugar’ usually applies to cane sugar (table sugar) but may also include sucrose, caramel, corn syrup, and other forms of sugar.
Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol derived from fruits and berries but can also be created synthetically. Beet pulp is the by-product of sugar production from sugar beets. Fructose is very sweet and is derived from fruits.
Although honey and molasses have often been said to have medicinal properties, keep in mind they are both still sugars.
Chihuahuas and Sugar in Beet Pulp
When discussing beet pulp, don’t think about the purple vegetable. Instead, this is a sugar beet that is used in the production of candy, baked goods, and other sweets. Once the sugar has been extracted, the pulp, which is high in fiber, is often used in animal feed.
The benefits of adding beet pulp to dog food are highly debated. Although fiber is important, and beet pulp fiber is considered beneficial to gut health.
Other experts feel that fiber added from other sources is better, especially fiber that isn’t associated with sugar. Although the processing of sugar beet is said to remove most of the sugar, it’s impossible to remove all of the sugar. If you wish to avoid added sugar in your dog’s diet, don’t use any foods that contain beet pulp.
Avoid Xylitol
Xylitol is a sugar alcohol derived from plants, including the birch tree. It is very sweet and has dental benefits, so many that it is often used in toothpaste and mouthwash.
It can also be found in gum, nut butter, hard candies, and baked goods. People can metabolize xylitol well, however, this is extremely toxic for dogs. Xylitol will never be added to dog foods and treats as its toxicity is well known. However, in any discussion of sugar, the toxicity of xylitol must be shared.

Canine Obesity is an Epidemic
Many veterinarians have said that 50 percent of their client’s dogs are overweight with far too many considered obese. A lack of exercise is certainly a part of this problem, as is too much food.
But foods and treats containing sugar, which create an addiction, are also a part of the problem. Addicts (human or canine) want more of what makes them feel good. If the food or treat makes the dog feel wonderful, he will beg for more of it, and few owners can resist a pleading dog with big, brown eyes.
To combat obesity, increase the dog’s daily exercise. If your dog is obese, talk to your veterinarian first and work up a plan for the exercise, beginning gradually, so the dog doesn’t hurt himself.
Change foods to ones without any added sugar. Take a look at any of The Honest Kitchen’s foods. When you find a food you like, change foods gradually over a couple of weeks, and don’t be surprised if your dog is initially unexcited about the food change.
That sugar addiction comes into play here, like food without sugar won’t be as appealing. However, if you’re changing to an Honest Kitchen food, mixing the Honest Kitchen recipe with warm water may make the food more attractive to your dog.
Choose dog treats that are exciting for your dog but without added sugar. Small tidbits of cooked chicken, an apple slice, pieces of carrots, a few blueberries, or a strawberry are all good treats.
Chihuahuas and Sugar: The Takeaway
Small amounts of naturally occurring sugars, such as those in the foods that make up your dog’s foods, are not bad. Sugar provides energy for the dog’s bodily functions and for activity. However, added sugars, especially those added to dog foods and treats, are not good for your dog. They can create an addiction and lead to health and dental problems.
Source: thehonestkitchen