A pet chihuahua was left with broken ribs, tail, and foot in a horrific attack at the hands of her owner.
He claimed the chihuahua got the injuries when he was giving her CPR.

Three-year-old Rosie was subjected to the attack by Hull man Joshua Green and suffered multiple injuries, which left her struggling to walk. And two claws ripped off, a court heard.
Green, 30, of Staveley Road, Hull. He has now been banned from keeping animals for life after he pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to Rosie when he appeared at Hull Magistrates’ Court on September 28.
What did he say to the green vets?
Green told the vets that Rosie had soiled herself when he had taken her for a walk. So, he went to bathe her, and as he did, she went limp and stopped breathing.
He claimed she sustained the injuries as he gave her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and held her upright around her rib cage.
Also said he squeezed her chest to try and give her CPR compressions before she started breathing again.
He claimed this caused the broken ribs and said teeth marks on her face were, and it was caused when he tried to resuscitate her.
But, this was the third time Rosie had been presented to the vets in recent months. The vet was concerned that the injuries were non-accidental, so they reported the matter to the RSPCA.
RSPCA inspector Alice Wilson visited the vets and saw Rosie was nervous and had apparent injuries.
She said: “Rosie appeared very timid and quiet. She had significant swelling around her ribcage on one side. Her muzzle and nose area looked very swollen, and there were wounds to the top and side of her nose.

“She had a bald patch under her neck, and the skin looked broken and sore. She was also not bearing weight on one of her front legs.”
Further examinations revealed Rosie’s injuries were much more extensive than first predicted.
Ms. Wilson said:
“A further detailed examination, including x-rays. Revealed that Rosie had broken ribs, and a fractured tail with dew claws ripped off her front foot was severely damaged. And had extensive bruising and swelling to her lips and muzzle area.”
The court heard how Rosie had also been taken to the vets by Green just a month before, On December 18, 2019, with a paw fracture.
Green claimed it had been caused by a door shutting on her.
A month later, she was retaken on January 13, 2020, with sores around her neck, which Green claimed were caused by a skin condition.

However, an independent veterinary expert dismissed the claims and told the court the injuries were all consistent with multiple episodes of blunt force trauma applied to various body locations on different dates. They also said a chemical could have caused the neck injuries.
The expert also said when Rosie was taken to the vet’s after she had supposedly been submerged in the water, her fur was dry.
In sentencing, the presiding magistrate said: “We consider it horrific what you have put the dog through.
In our opinion
“Dogs cannot ask for help and depend completely on their owners. This offense easily passes the custody threshold in our opinion.”
In mitigation, the court was told Green had some mental health issues and was aggressive.
As well as the ban on keeping animals for life. Green was sentenced to 12 weeks in jail and suspended for 12 months.
In addition, he was handed a four-month curfew between 8 pm and 6 am and must complete a 30-day rehabilitation order. He was also ordered to pay £300 costs.
After recovering from her injuries, Rosie was rehomed by the RSPCA with a loving new family and was renamed, Dolly.
Her new owner said: “She was initially quite a timid little dog but settled quickly and enjoyed the attention.
“Rosie, now called Dolly, will often get up and follow me as I leave a room. At first, she was very nervous about certain things, such as loud noises or sudden movements.

For example,
” There have been times where someone shouts on the TV or loud music may come on during an advert, and she will stop what she is doing and shake, lower her head and tuck her tail up under herself.”
But since then, Dolly has become much more settled and enjoys meeting new people and other dogs.
She added: ” Is relaxed, wagging her tail a lot and trying to sit on people’s laps. She went to a dog-friendly pub and sat on my colleague’s lap for the duration. Didn’t bark and wasn’t a disruption to any other guests. She had a very positive interaction with a young dog and wagged her tail at anyone who walked past. It was so lovely to see.”