What Foods Are Bad, Poisonous, and Toxic to Chihuahuas?

Tips > What Foods Are Bad, Poisonous, and Toxic to Chihuahuas?


What Foods Are Bad, Poisonous, and Toxic to Chihuahuas?


As a Chihuahua owner, you will know only too well how delicate their little stomachs can be. They are renowned for being sick after certain foods and far more than other breeds might be. It's not always possible to keep your dog from reacting badly to certain foods, but you can eliminate a lot of sickness by not letting them eat foods that are bad for Chihuahuas.

chihuahua eating 2
chihuahua eating 2

I recommend you print this list off and stick it in your refrigerator… some of the foods I list that your dog should avoid aren't just bad for your Chihuahua. They could even be fatal, and some will poison your dog and are foods that are toxic to Chihuahuas.

Because of this, I've put the most toxic foods to Chihuahuas first on the list. It explains why they are poisonous and even how much they might eat before you call a vet.

Bottom line, though; if your Chihuahua eats anything they shouldn't, don't wait to read notes like this on the Internet – call your vet!

So, read on if you want to find out what food Chihuahuas can't eat, plus some poisonous plants, too.

Poisonous foods for Chihuahuas

Like most dogs, Chihuahuas eat whatever you put in front of them. If you drop something on the floor and they gobble it up, in most cases, they should be OK with eating things in moderation.

However, some foods are highly toxic and not safe for Chihuahuas to eat, even in small amounts. Knowing what Chihuahuas cannot eat is essential in keeping your dog safe.

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Here are the most dangerous foods for Chihuahuas, followed by things they eat that are not poisonous but still wrong.

1. Chocolate

This is the most commonly misunderstood food that Chihuahuas cannot eat and the one that leads to most people having to call a vet.

What can Chihuahuas not eat
Chocolate is one of the most poisonous foods for Chihuahuas. It was licensed from StoryBlocks.com.

It's all due to the toxic theobromine substance in chocolate. Small amounts can make your Chihuahua sick, so if chocolate drops on the floor, pick it up immediately. In large quantities, your dog will vomit and, in more severe cases, develop an abnormal heartbeat, tremors, seizures, and even death.

Dark chocolate is the most dangerous and poisonous to Chihuahuas as it contains more of the theobromine.

2. Onions, garlic, leeks, and chives

All of these foods are in the Allium family. Anything in this bracket is a poisonous food for Chihuahuas, whether it's been boiled, cooked, or whatever – it's not something your Chihuahua should ever eat.

These foods are said to make dogs feel poorly and, in more significant amounts, can lead to red blood cell damage. You won't always see symptoms of poisoning immediately, as it can take a few days for the toxic effects.

3. Artificial sweetener (xylitol) in gum and mints

Xylitol is one of the most toxic things a Chihuahua can eat and is commonly found in some mints and sugar-free gums.

According to research (see research published on MSU.edu), xylitol is 100 times more toxic than chocolate is for dogs. If they eat one stick of gum with xylitol, a small dog could see their blood sugar levels dip considerably.

If the small dog went on to eat a whole pack of gum with ten sticks containing toxic xylitol, it could damage their liver irreparably and possibly even kill them.

Other foods and household items that can contain xylitol include:

  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash
  • Peanut butter
  • Sugar-free candy
  • Sugar-free breath mints
  • Fruit drinks
  • Jellies and jams
  • Cereals
  • Baked goods
  • Sugar-free puddings and Jello
  • Over-the-counter vitamin supplements

4. Candy and sweets

It's not just the foods above that come with toxic xylitol. And some candy brands do, too, so always check the labeling.

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You shouldn't be letting your dog eat candy anyway, even if it's free of poisonous xylitol. Why? It's due to the sugar levels and the risk of choking or blockages in your Chihuahua's digestive tract or tooth fractures.

5. Certain peanut butter brands

Our Chihuahua loves peanut butter, and it's one of his favorite treats, especially when we put it in a Kong Toy.

What foods are toxic to Chihuahuas
Some brands of peanut butter can be dangerous. They are licensed from StockUnlimited.com.

However, some peanut butter brands include xylitol. This substance is toxic to dogs and needs to be avoided at all costs due to poisoning.

6. Corn on the cob

Corn on the cob is not among the poisonous foods for Chihuahuas, but it is dangerous due to the cob part. These can lodge in your dog's throat and intestines, so You should avoid them at all costs.

Sweetcorn is OK, as this will be easily digestible, though.

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7. Cooked bones

Dogs love to eat bones. Everyone knows dogs love bones, but they are dangerous with this food type.

When bones are cooked, they become brittle and can break apart. This means that when Chihuahuas eat cooked bones, small slithers can perforate their internal organs, leading to significant risks to their health… with possibly fatal consequences.

8. Avocado

Fruit is an excellent food for Chihuahuas, but not all fruit! Avocado is one such, as it can be bad for Chihuahuas but only when prepared in a particular way.

Avocados contain a poisonous toxin called person, which, when eaten in large quantities, can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. However, persin is primarily concentrated in the avocado skin and pit rather than the fleshy part.

So, should your Chihuahua eat an avocado, chances are you won't have any problems. But, it's still worth avoiding, especially the toxic parts – the skin and stone.

9. Grapes and raisins

Another group of fruits that can be poisonous to your Chihuahua is grapes and raisins. They are a toxic food for Chihuahuas and can lead to kidney failure when eaten in large quantities.

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10. Macadamia nuts and walnuts

All nuts should be avoided in a Chihuahua's diet, as they are just the right size and texture that lead to choking. However, these two nuts are potentially toxic to dogs.

What is poisonous to Chihuahuas
What can Chihuahuas not eat? Walnuts are definitely on that list! Licensed from StoryBlocks.com.

When eaten at volume, both can result in diarrhea, sickness, and the possibility of canine pancreatitis.

The side effects of Macadamia nuts are very nasty and rank high on the list of poisonous foods for Chihuahuas… the poisoning can result in hyperthermia, tremors, vomiting, and lethargy.

11. Cherry, peach, and plum pits

Due to the size of pips and seeds like this, they can become lodged in the intestines of smaller dogs like Chihuahuas. Blockages are a genuine risk, so don't let things like this anywhere near your dog's mouth.

There are also trace elements of cyanide in the pits of some fruits like peach and plum. Poisoning your Chihuahua would take a lot, but it's lousy food either way.

12. Mustard seeds

Mustard is so vomit-inducing to Chihuahuas that vets sometimes use it to make dogs sick for medical purposes. The seeds, in particular, are very toxic as they contain toxic elements for dogs.

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13. Coconuts and coconut oil

A little bit of coconut is unlikely to harm your Chihuahua, but a coconut's milk and white flesh are known to cause stomach upsets in dogs.

You should avoid coconut water because its potassium is also at high levels.

14. Yeast dough

When ingested, yeast dough will heat up, then rise and create gas. This is problematic in a Chihuahua's digestive system, leading to the extreme pain, bloating, and possibly twisting their gut.

It's potentially fatal, so if your Chihuahua eats yeast dough, visit a vet immediately… the yeast can also change into ethanol, a highly potent alcohol.

15. Alcohol

This is an excellent time to discuss alcohol dangers and how dangerous this drink can be for dogs.

Drinks bad for Chihuahuas
Alcohol is the most toxic drink that would be bad for a Chihuahua—licensed from StoryBlocks.com.

Alcohol consumption can make your Chihuahua have diarrhea, vomit, difficulty in breathing, tremors, a lack of coordination, abnormal blood acidity, central nervous system depression, and even a possible coma or death.

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Giving your dog alcohol isn't funny and can kill them.

16. Hops

On a similar topic, the hops that are used in home brewing kits are also a dangerous ingredient for Chihuahuas to eat. There are compounds in the bounds that lead to malignant hyperthermia.

That means your Chihuahua's temperature can rise rapidly, possibly causing permanent damage to the organs and brain or even death.

17. Coffee, caffeine, and tea

Drinks within are bad for Chihuahuas. It's all down to the methylxanthines in the caffeine, which cause similar bad reactions in dogs to chocolate.

If your Chihuahua has licked up a couple of coffee granules, he will be fine. But in large amounts, such as loose tea and coffee beans, it could be very harmful and require a vet's help.

18. Nutmeg

Myristicin is a toxic substance with trace amounts found in nutmeg. When dogs eat it in large quantities, it can lead to various problems, including abdominal pain, increased heart rate, seizures, and even the possibility of hallucinations.

19. Moldy food

If your dog has access to trash, be very careful. Moldy food is terrible for Chihuahuas as it can contain mycotoxins. Mycotoxins grow on stale food and make it poisonous when ingested.

Bad food for Chihuahuas

In addition to the foods that are bad for Chihuahuas, there are others. While they are not strictly considered poisonous and toxic, you should avoid them due to the potential adverse side effects—for example, weight gain.

20. Milk and dairy products

Many Chihuahuas will be lactose intolerant, meaning dairy products can make them sick. Dogs don't have the same digestive system as us and can find it hard to break down lactose in milk, meaning runny diarrhea issues!

21. Blue cheese

Given that you know dairy is a lousy option for dogs, it should be no surprise that some cheeses can be dangerous. Avoid the blue cheeses, Roquefort, and Stilton. They have roquefortine C, which is known to cause lousy dog reactions.

What food is bad for Chihuahuas
Blue cheese is a food that can make Chihuahuas sick—licensed from StoryBlocks.com.

This can include symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. In more extreme cases, your Chihuahua could develop seizures and tremors if they eat a lot of blue cheese.

22. Meat and eggs that have not been cooked properly

Many owners now feed their Chihuahua a raw diet, and there's nothing wrong with that, providing they get all the nutrients and goodness required.

However, some research suggests that bacterial infections such as Salmonella and E. coli can be contracted by dogs eating raw meat.

23. Food and drinks with high sugar content

Sugary food and snacks aren't good for us, so they certainly aren't for your dog. This is one of the worst foods for Chihuahuas and can result in various health problems.

Dogs with too many snacks with sugar content are at risk of developing diabetes, weight gain, and even decayed teeth and gums. Sugar can also upset delicate Chihuahua tummies too, so something to avoid at all costs.

24. Food high in salt and sodium content

Just like lots of sugar, the same applies to salt content. Food that is high in sodium can potentially poison your Chihuahua… but is most likely to lead to them getting extreme thirst and increased urination in the volume it would be in dropped food.

salt bad for Chihuahuas
Salt can be deadly to dogs when eaten in large amounts—licensed from StoryBlocks.com.

If your Chihuahua eats lots of salt, the warning signs are very severe, including vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, high body temperature, and seizures.

25. Fatty foods

Fatty foods such as sausage, bacon, burgers, and fried food can upset stomachs. If your Chihuahua gets to eat these tasty snacks over a prolonged period, it could even result in pancreatitis.

Yes, it's hard to say no to those pleading eyes when they beg for your food, but the tastiest food is often the worst for Chihuahuas.

What plants are poisonous to Chihuahuas?

There are also things your Chihuahua should not eat outdoors, including the following toxic plants.

  • Aconitum
  • Amaryllis bulbs
  • Asparagus fern
  • Azalea
  • Citrus
  • Cyclamen
  • Daffodil bulbs
  • Daylilies
  • Delphiniums
  • Dog's Mercury (Mercurialis perennis)
  • Foxgloves
  • Hemlock
  • Hibiscus
  • Hostas
  • Hyacinth
  • Hydrangea
  • Ivy
  • Laburnum
  • Lily of the valley
  • Lupins
  • Morning glory
  • Mushroom plants
  • Nightshade
  • Oleander
  • Rhododendron
  • Rhubarb leaves
  • Sweet pea
  • Tomato leaves and stems
  • Tulip bulbs
  • Umbrella plant
  • Wisteria
  • Yew

This list contains just the most common plants that are poisonous to Chihuahuas. Please download this printout from the Dogs Trust for a more comprehensive list.


Most of the time, if your Chihuahua has just eaten a minimal amount of any of the wrong foods listed here, they "should" be OK.

But, please never leave anything to chance and also consult with a professional veterinarian for advice.

I am not a vet, just a dog owner, so all I have written here today is what I have personally learned and researched myself. It should not replace veterinarian advice.

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