Stories > Chihuahua Puppy adorably playing with Giant Bulldog


Chihuahua Puppy adorably playing with Giant Bulldog


Pet owners prepare for your heart to melt as this is one video that will surely warm you up. In this video, watch as a fearless chihuahua puppy has no problem making friends with this gentle and loving American bulldog. After confusing the bulldog's tail for a chew toy, the puppy engages in some precious playtime with its new buddy. This is one video that no pet owner or viewer should miss as this will be a video that you will remember for a long time!

Isn't this video just adorable? The fact that this little chihuahua is so tiny and is playing with this big dog is absolutely adorable! This big dog really is a good dog as it knows that it should not be too rough with it's little friend! Who knew that dogs like this could become good friends?

Surely these two will be friends for a long time. Maybe they will even share a lot of their dog toys together! After all, what dog does not like to play with another dog? They really are a funny duo that cannot help but to make you smile!

Aren't these two just adorable? The little pup seems to be very excited to play, however, his big friend just wants to nap. Nonetheless, the massive pooch acts like a gentle giant around the little ball of fur. Watch how he tolerates his play, and even teases him to fight! Adorable! These two seem like the best of friends! We could all learn a thing or two about friendship from these two! Don't you just want to take these dogs home with you?

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