This is the beautiful adoption story of Shorty the Chihuahua who died shortly after arriving in the new home.
Shorty was a very sweet old chihuahua, who after finding a new human family, lost his life. Unfortunately, his health conditions were very serious and he didn’t make it, but everyone is happy because he left this world surrounded by the affection he deserved.
Each animal should find its own happy ending, but this is obviously not always possible. Many puppies cannot find human friends willing to love them.
Carli is a woman who lives in a small town in Texas. She has always had a deep love for animals. In fact, she very often adopted dogs from the local shelter, which they had little chance of survival.
The lady had gone out one day to make some commissions. She at one point she found herself in front of a pet shop and noticed a senior chihuahua who was lying in a doghouse.

Carli wanted to know what was happening to him and soon came in to ask information. It was just as she was speaking that he discovered her sad situation of the dog.
Shorty, until a few days ago, had one home and a human friend. However, his owner died and the little one found himself alone. They were looking for a new family, but getting them adopted wasn’t easy.
Shorty the Chihuahua and his Issues
The dog was unfortunately overweight and he also had thyroid problems. Due to his advanced age, he had little energy. Carli did not want to leave him in those conditions and in fact, she soon decided to take it home with her.
The woman at first put him on a diet. Afterward, she subjected him to all care he needed. Plus, Shorty also became friends with her four-legged brother Toad.

The little dog, unfortunately, died shortly after his beautiful adoption. To inform everyone of his disappearance, Carli wrote: “I don’t think I’ve ever loved a pet so much. Goodbye, my little Shorty! ” After much suffering, the puppy left this world surrounded by all the love he needed.