Stories > Woman Claims Pet Owners Are Like Parents


Woman Claims Pet Owners Are Like Parents


A woman has insisted employers should offer 'dog mums' the same flexibility as working mothers and says owning a pet has made her appreciate 'how hard' it is for parents in the workforce.

Mary Rose Madigan, 28, from Sydney, adopted her black chihuahua Frank with her partner last year.

In a personal essay for News.Au, Mary - whose family owned dogs while she was growing up - admitted that she didn't appreciate just how difficult having a pet of her own would be.

Just like parents leaving their children to go to the office, Mary says she also struggles with 'mum guilt' every time she leaves the house.

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Mary Rose Madigan, 28, from Sydney, adopted her black chihuahua Frank last year. The writer says she can't relax at work or during social events, knowing he's probably missing her at home.

I can't leave Frank alone for a few hours.

Although she can technically leave Frank unattended for several hours. Mary says she can't relax, knowing he's probably pining after her at home.

As a result, the writer has enrolled him in a doggy daycare program that costs $65 (£36) daily.

However, the organization issues additional fee fines if owners are late for pick-up.

This has prompted Mary to call for employers to give pet owners the 'same flexibility. And understanding as mothers of human children.'

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The 'dog mum' says she loves her pet more than she 'ever thought possible and insists it's time businesses start giving their employees the same flexibility as working mothers.

On top of this, Mary says she's regularly started down social events if she can't bring Frank. Because she can't bear to abandon him further.'

She wrote: 'I watch as working mums can head off early, introduce flexible hours or work from home more often with absolute envy.'

Despite being aware that she is in a very 'privileged position.' Mary says she wants to push companies to extend these rights to pet owners.

She added: 'I know they aren't children; I know I'm not a mum, and I can never understand the full extent of the burden. But I do love my dog more than I imagined was possible".

What does Mary explain in the interview?

In an essay for MammaMia, Mary explained that there is a stigma surrounding plus-size women and dating. People assume they have more difficulty finding a match than slimmer women.

However, she said she's never had any problem finding a man; her only issue is other people's assumptions and expectations. 

She said while discussing dating in her workplace a few years ago. It was never questioned why men were interested in slim girls, but her colleagues would comment about her size. 

The Mamamia writer claimed some women had been triggered by her confidence. Saying: 'I know it's a tired trope, but confidence is sexy; being yourself is always attractive. And getting a date has nothing to do with your weight. I'm living full-figured proof.' 

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