Locklear, the Chihuahua, sustained two fractures and an injury to his liver. That was when he was hit by a car near San Bernardino. He was quivering by the side of the road and cannot bear weight on his back legs.
The pup is being hospitalized until well enough for the surgeries he desperately needs to alleviate his terrible pain. He is a brave miracle baby. Will you stand behind this tiny man and help his rescuers with the huge financial burden of saving his life?

First Hit by a Car, then Left There
A young chihuahua was found at the side of a busy road in Colton, near San Bernardino in California, completely stunned after being hit by a car (hit and run, disgraceful!). The lady that found him heard him scream in excruciating pain at the point of impact.
He was shaking but otherwise motionless. The lady carefully bundled him up and called Our Family Paws Rescue and All About the Animals, who promptly took him to the vet. He did not have a tag or microchip.
The chihuahua, who has been named Locklear by his rescuers, underwent X-rays and blood tests. The diagnostics revealed that tragically, he had broken his pelvis on one side, and dislocated his hip on the other side. This means that he can’t put weight on his back legs and screams out in pain when he tries to.

The Aftermath of Being Hit by a Car
Sadly the blood tests showed that Locklear had significantly elevated liver results. That was as a result of the trauma his liver sustained during the impact of the car upon his tiny body. It’s truly a miracle this boy is alive.
The vet says he needs at least a week for the liver to recover enough so that he can handle the general anesthetic that he will need during his surgeries. He needs a Femoral Head Ostectomy procedure on his dislocated hip and a plate to fix his broken pelvis. Locklear has been in too much pain/distress to eat by himself. And, he continues to be hospitalized and given IV fluids and painkillers while he awaits his surgeries.
While Locklear is in pain currently, his injuries are fully treatable (albeit expensive). He is expected to recover 100%. Animal control would have most likely euthanized him if he had been taken to the local municipal shelter in San Bernardino.
Another Chance at Life
He has likely escaped death twice.
The cost of diagnostics, hospitalization for just over one week, and the surgeries, totals almost $5,000. This is despite the vet, who has over 20 years of experience, generously gives a 50% discount on his surgery fee.

Raising this much money is a tall order for All About the Animals and Our Family Paws Rescue, but Locklear is a fighter and deserves us to fight for him too. Will you kindly donate to the surgeries to free this brave boy from pain?
Source: socapital