Nippers Town Terrorized by Hooligan Chihuahuas 

Nippers Town Terrorized by Hooligan Chihuahuas 

Two hooligan chihuahuas are terrorizing a historic market town, with one local dubbing them “Mexican hooligans.”

The council has issued a warning over the tiny two some, who charge bigger dogs as they “run wild” off their leash.

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One local branded the troublesome twosome ‘Mexican hooligans

The hooligan chihuahuas have attacked a ­German Shepherd while one local says the ­yapping pair rushed his “two 65lb dogs”.

Councillor Ruth Hopkinson received a complaint after two “unpleasant” chihuahuas attacked the German ­Shepherd, a former police dog, in Corsham, Wilts. 

Chihuahuas are the world’s smallest breed, but she said: “The size of a dog is no reflection on their aggressiveness. Apparently, it’s not the first time they have behaved in an aggressive fashion.

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Two chihuahuas are terrorizing a historic market town of Corsham, Wilts

“They weren’t leashed, and the owner thought, ‘They’re only little. They’re only friendly’. But you have to be really careful.”

A walker warned: “There’s a pair of small dogs running wild. Corsham is a town with many dogs, most of whom never cause trouble.”

Another resident, Dr ­Jeffrey O’Dwyer, called them “bloody Mexican hooligans”. 

 Chihuahuas are named after the Mexican state where they became fashionable in the late 19th century.