Read more about the article The Benefits of Chihuahua Dog Meditation

The Benefits of Chihuahua Dog Meditation

We’re not talking about the “Downward Dog” position. Have you tried Chihuahua dog meditation? it not only relaxes you but helps your dog focus and keep calm. Dogs get excited…

Read more about the article Cute Chihuahua Christmas Party

Cute Chihuahua Christmas Party

Chihuahua Sõprade Liit (The Union of the Friends of Chihuahuas) in Estonia organizes training sessions where small dogs can learn tricks and run through a custom-made miniature agility course. One…

Read more about the article Birth and Breastfeeding for Chihuahuas

Birth and Breastfeeding for Chihuahuas

The birth of new puppies is always a very special occasion, even for experienced breeders. But how does the process of dogs giving birth actually work? What problems can emerge when breastfeeding…