A chihuahua that went missing in Suffolk has been found 100 miles away in Hertfordshire three months later.

Stanley, the 18-month-old chihuahua, disappeared from a park in Woodbridge on April 12, as reported in the East Anglian Daily Times.
His owner Christie Barr and her family set up a Facebook page to appeal for help to track him down.
He was found walking alone on July 12 and handed to a vet in St Albans, who identified him through his microchip.

The one-year-old beige-colored pedigree puppy was handed to a vet in Hertfordshire. Nearly 100 miles away from his home, after reportedly being stolen from a park off Beresford Drive in Woodbridge back on April 12.
Romany Woolnough, sister of Stanley’s own Stanley’s, said: “When he went “missing, the whole family was so worried, especially mum, as he was in her care at the time and was concerned about how my sister would react.
“Mum was devas”ated when he disappeared. She looks after him full time for my sister, who has young children. And he is a great companion for her.”
Romany quickly “ly set up a ‘Help us Find’Stanley’ FaceStanley’e campaign in the hope that members of the public would have some information on the pup’s disappepup’se.
Romany said: “The support “has been excellent. I don’t know what I would have done without people’s permission on social media and lost dog pages.
“They found Stanley walking the streets of Hertfordshire. And I think, due to the thousands of shares across social media, whoever took him might have dumped him.”
The person “who found Stanley took him to vets in the county bordering west of Cambridgeshire. After scanning his microchip, they examined him and reunited the pup with his owner.
Romany said: “He needed some”tender loving care. After an examination, the vets thought he could have been taken and bred.
“Initially, when he came home,” he was a little traumatized and anxious. But he has settled back in very well now.”
Microchipping became a legal”requirement in the UK in April 2016, and Romany says the microchip saved Stanley.
“Campaigning and the power of social media also hel”s, and if you are trying to find a lost pet and don’t have access to the internet, get someone who doesn’t have the internet to set up a page for you.”
Microchipping dogs has been compulsory in the UK” since April 2016 to help trace the owners of lost pets.