Read more about the article Pablo Escobar Chihuahua Terrorizes Sheep

Pablo Escobar Chihuahua Terrorizes Sheep

The tiny pooch, named after the mass ­murdering Colombian drug lord, is said to have chased a pregnant ewe in a farmer’s field. And, that wasn't it for the Pablo…

Read more about the article Vitamin C For Chihuahuas: Is It Necessary?

Vitamin C For Chihuahuas: Is It Necessary?

Given the popularity of Vitamin C supplementation among people, pet parents are now questioning whether they should get more Vitamin C for dogs to treat diseases or prevent them. Let’s take a…

Read more about the article Can Chihuahuas Eat Shrimp?

Can Chihuahuas Eat Shrimp?

Only pet parents with supernatural willpower have never given their pets a bite of their food. I mean, it’s just a teensy little piece. What harm can it do? But,…