Chihuahua with No Front Legs Gets Wheelie Vest
A Chihuahua born with no front legs has been given a new lease of life after a team of vets built her custom-made wheels. Scurrying across the park, leaping from…
A Chihuahua born with no front legs has been given a new lease of life after a team of vets built her custom-made wheels. Scurrying across the park, leaping from…
If we started a sentence with "an eyelid ripped off by a Chihuahua", you probably wouldn't believe it. But, this happened as Kelsey Salmon had intended to have eyelash extensions…
A woman who created a custom miniature room for her dogs has delighted the internet after pictures of the incredible creation went viral online. On Sunday, Kiki, who uses the…
A disabled Chihuahua puppy brings comfort and joy to an Arizona man who was recently told his brain cancer is terminal. As many pets do for those with medical conditions that…
Jasper, a dog with a rare condition that makes him look like he's constantly smiling is searching for his forever home. Here's the always smiling Chihuahua and his story. Jasper,…
Chihuahua has earned the name "Cheeto Murphy" after the cheesy snack finally helped capture him after weeks on the run. Cheeto Murphy was spotted around two weeks ago on a…
A dog owner has gone viral by sharing a video of her blind and deaf senior dog, amassing over 14 million views. Here's what it's like living with an old,…