Read more about the article Timaru Group Bonds over Love of Chihuahuas

Timaru Group Bonds over Love of Chihuahuas

If you’re a regular visitor of Timaru’s main street, you’ve probably noticed a group of chihuahuas and their owners who can often catch up with their furry friends. These bonds…

Read more about the article Harry Potter style living for Poncho the chihuahua

Harry Potter style living for Poncho the chihuahua

Poncho the chihuahua,is four-year-old, from Rochelle, Georgia.He is rather better cared for than Harry Potter ever was by the dastardly Dursleys. But their boudoirs bear some resemblances.  A cupboard beneath the stairs…

Read more about the article Paris Hilton Devastated Over Tinkerbell Death

Paris Hilton Devastated Over Tinkerbell Death

Paris Hilton's beloved purse companion has passed away. The Tinkerbell death shocked Paris Hilton and her entire family, including her fans. The 34-year-old socialite announced to her 4.1 million Instagram…